Thursday, February 13, 2014
L'Etat C'est Moi
"L'Etat C'est Moi" - an ancient Canadian phrase roughly meaning "hey ya'll - look - I AM the state" is a very nice way for absolute rulers to say that whatever they say goes.
Louis XIV, der Fuhrer, Dear Leader, Saudi King, Supreme Leader, even Vlad, have all espoused despotic designer ala prose and made it perfectly clear who is large and in charge.
Sometimes this a momentary mindset in personal relations too.
Yet not on St. Valentines Day! It's all about reaching out - dialogue, negotiations, alliances and relationships.
Is there anything that Internat'l Relations and theories can add to the mix?
Heck yeah!
"To begin with, any romantic partnership is essentially an alliance, and alliances are a core concept on international relations. Alliances bring many benefits to the members (or else why would we form them?) but as we also know, they sometimes reflect irrational passions and inevitably limit each member's autonomy. Many IR theorists believe that institutionalizing an alliance makes it more effective and enduring, but that’s also why making a relationship more formal is a significant step that needs to be carefully considered.
And then the two of you might also decide to mobilize combined resources and grow a collectivist co op and alliance network. Like sweet precious little babies.
When that happens - the opportunities to learn another set of IR theories and concepts like sanctions, coercive diplomacy, deterrence, pre emption, preventive war and regime change are totally unbound!
Yet that is a whole 'nother essay from a whole 'nother source!
Any wrought - know what all happens after Valentine's Day?
That's right - Valentine's Night!
Over 372K hits in one year from all my sweethearts -
Happy St Valentine's Day Y'all!
Pic - "Would you hold it against me?"