Hanging out over the hangout of Taliban commander Hafiz Gul Bahadur, her sexyful buzz is a familiar sound for local cats living on the Durand Line next to a riverbed close to Pakistan's Afghanistan frontier
As she circled she let off the first of her Hellfire missiles, direct hitting an abode and reducing it to rubble. When cats in the AO rushed to the scene of the attack - she fired off another for good measure and killed off the curious.
Double Tap Beotch!!
The Datta Khel kill is like only 1 of the 350 Drones Gone Wild chicanery event in Land of the Pure yet undresses a hot tactical delight - the "double-tap" strike.
Inappropriate handwringers worrying about the wrong thing diss Drones Gone Wild
How Great Satan Is Ruining The World With Drone Strikes (PDF)
Real threats to security and to Pakistani civilians exist in the Pakistani border areas
now targeted by drones. It is crucial that Great Satan be able to protect herself from terrorist threats, and that the great harm caused by terrorists to Pakistani civilians be addressed.
However, in light of significant evidence of harmful impacts to Pakistani civilians and to American interests, current policies to address terrorism through targeted killings and drone strikes must be carefully re-evaluated.
It is essential that public debate about policies take the negative effects of current
policies into account.
Uh, sorry - zoned out there for a sec
Look, PAK Army"s gig is to maintain the States monopoly on violence - to police and handle their own turf. Sovereignty includes Writ of State kids. Essentially - if Pakistan can't do her job - then her inaction entices action from other cats who are able to do the gig - or at least give it the old Frat party try
The sad ancient memes that Great Satan is bizzy bizzy creating metric tonnes of enemies, draining vital resources, making it more funner and easier to haj to uncool terrorist rich spots and kill sans worries about GENCON, incarceration and care for captured cats, converting fence sitters into active anti American combatants and POing easily unhinged elements on Foreign turf remains easily LOLed
"Contrary to conventional wisdom, we see little evidence that these actions are generating widespread anti-American sentiment or recruits for AQAP.... In short, targeted strikes against the most senior and most dangerous AQAP terrorists are not the problem, they are part of the solution."And such sexyful solutions are sweetly swaying just in reach
While most Pakistanis deplore the drones when polled about them, FATA residents who have first-hand knowledge of specific strikes and who really died in them are, "very positive.... They know who's being killed."Money Shot
So while the risk of backlash against Drones Gone Wild!! attacks is real, the alternatives are worse because they would cause even more unintended casualties -- American, allied, and civilian -- while doing less damage to the terrorists. It would be ideal to capture terrorists, bring them to justice, and interrogate them rather than kill them yet in the Pakistani tribal lands, "there are no police, there are no law enforcement agencies. When the Pakistani military goes in after insurgents, "they're very imprecise and kill loads of people," sending thousands of civilians fleeing from their homes.
An American ground attack would be even more costly in human, military, and political terms After 9/11, Great Satan"s's initial response to countries that it thought harbored terrorists was to invade, not just bomb specific targets:
The shift to drones, is actually a de-escalation bay bee!!
A reaction to this overreaction. The risk of anti-Great Satanism backlash remains but it is driven less by drone strikes specifically than by unNeoconic support in general for oppressive regimes, like that in Yemen, as they crack down "indiscriminately" against both terrorists and political critics.Whoa!! Yet what about the 77 million innocent dead civilians that wide spread drone carnage creates?
Really lousy data. There are no birth certificates and there are no death certificates and many news reports on drone strike deaths don't even "try to confirm there was in fact a burial."Pic - "Drones are a tool of strategy, and a powerful one!"
Drone strikes tend to take place in the same areas where insurgents and the Pakistani authorities are already clashing and, on closer examination, some of the injuries attributed to drones are more likely to come from terrorist bombs -- "the Taliban don't always claim the bad stuff they do" -- or from errant ordnance from Pakistani military operations. Some of the alleged victims don't seem to have ever existed.